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CreateDebate Feature Requests

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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Ability to Up-vote/Down-vote Debates! (3)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Ability to Up-vote/Down-vote Debates!

Hell yeah!

We should be able to up/down-vote debates themselves... and that should help determime how long it stays on the front page... or at least on one section of the front page, that way when some idiot troll, or advert trolls start spamming, the community can DV and make the debate go away.

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2 points

Yeah if its a good debate then it would be in the popular section if its upvoted a lot

1 point

Agreed! Popular should be for the amount of UVs... Active should still be active and new still new.

In addition to that, add a way to filter out ones that are below a certain threshold. Each person should be able to set that threshold to whatever they want.