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CreateDebate Feature Requests

Debate Info

Yes, cool No, kids stuff
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 Yes, cool (2)
 No, kids stuff (1)

Debate Creator

addltd(5144) pic

Do you think we should have would you rather style debates?

I have been thinking about adding would you rather style debates.  Do you think there would be any interest in this?

Yes, cool

Side Score: 2

No, kids stuff

Side Score: 1
1 point

Yes it would be awesome you really need to make createdebate better

Side: Yes, cool
1 point

Yes! I think that would be super fun! And personally, I don't think the way it is now is "kids stuff" ;)

Side: Yes, cool
1 point

I have absolutely no idea what this means but if it's childish... I'm sure I'll like it. ;)

Side: No, kids stuff