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riahlize(1568) pic

Quoting Function (Possibly with BBCode)


I'd like a better way to quote people. I debate by breaking down the post I am replying to bit by bit and use the "bold" function to show the difference between the quote and my own response. I'd like a better system, perhaps an actual quote box (which can be used multiple times in one post). But sometimes it's really inconvenient because I then have an even more limited method of defining what I want to stand out in my post. I either must resort to "CAPS" or italics, and depending on the context of the debate, it doesn't work very well.

I am a bit familiar with this function on sites like the myspace forums (when they were good) and proboards. They use UBBC/BBCode to make quote boxes and font decorations (bold, italic, underline, etc).

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