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JustIgnoreMe's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of JustIgnoreMe's arguments, looking across every debate.

I used to want special characters to be fixed and now I still do because I'm scared of the present?

oh boy, you sure got me there...

Bump. Links are probably the bigger problem, but happens in the text, too.

& to & (currently a semi-colon is just inserted after the word that follows e.g. &page=1 becomes &page;=1 - which often breaks the link)

% to %25

underscore to %5F

close parens to %29

e.g. mode=DisplayStatute&URL;=0700-0799/0776/Sections/0776.013.html

A search for my or another user's waterfall

Not a feature per se, but we should probably take another look at how links are handled. Adding underlining created some issues and special characters cause problems at times too.

Maybe need to URLEncode links when saving...? (e.g. underscore becomes _) Ampersand can create issues in normal text, but most issues just arise from links.

Thanks again Andy for all the work!!!

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