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CreateDebate Feature Requests

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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Yes, sounds good (5)

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Do you want to know what was posted since the last time you posted in a debate?

From LittleMissFit

When revisiting debates that I've viewed in the past, such as debates I've
created where new arguments have been added, there is no easy way to see
what arguments have been posted since the last time I looked at the debate
other than sorting by date, but then I lose the context of the argument.
Here is a proposed solution. If you could store the date that we last viewed
each debate in the database, the next time we view that debate you could
highlight any arguments that have been added since that date.

Yes, sounds good

Side Score: 8

No, Thanks

Side Score: 0
2 points

Yes, it sounds good, but I am not sure how high a priority I would give it?

Side: Yes, sounds good
2 points

Yes I think that is a great idea.

Side: Yes, sounds good
1 point

Yes that would be. awesome

Side: Yes, sounds good

I actually meant it to be the last time you viewed a debate, not just the last time you posted in a debate.

BTW, it's Little Misfit, not Little Miss Fit. I'm a Mr. not a miss :)

Side: Yes, sounds good
1 point

Yes. .

Side: Yes, sounds good
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