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Bettyjoe's Reward Points: 402

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Some political debate
3 Added Argument Why, in Psalm 14:1, does God say atheists are fools?
1 Added Argument In dog world - humans are elves who routinely live to be 500+ years old.
1 Added Argument The voters for Brexit and Trump are sick and tired of your liberal bull shit!!!
5 Created Debate The voters for Brexit and Trump are sick and tired of your liberal bull shit!!!
2 Added Argument God Loves You
1 Added Argument Joe Cavalry for president.
1 Added Argument A strategy on how to deal with and a plan to get back at - SaintNow.
4 Added Argument A strategy on how to deal with and a plan to get back at - SaintNow.
5 Created Debate A strategy on how to deal with and a plan to get back at - SaintNow.
4 Added Argument Why I, Saint Now, Believe What I Believe.
1 Added Argument I feel I did wrong - I am sorry.
1 Added Argument Middle East Readies for Sunni-Shiite war
1 Added Argument A rose by any other name is still a rose.
1 Added Argument A rose by any other name is still a rose.
5 Created Debate A rose by any other name is still a rose.
2 Added Argument When you start at the top - there's only one way to go.
4 Created Debate When you start at the top - there's only one way to go.
1 Added Argument Parmenides and/or Heraclitus?
1 Added Argument E.T. is a Jedi.
2 Created Debate E.T. is a Jedi.
1 Added Argument Kids need both parents in order to turn out semi normal.
2 Added Argument Kids need both parents in order to turn out semi normal.
5 Created Debate Kids need both parents in order to turn out semi normal.

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