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RoamingRhodi's Reward Points: 181

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Which song is better?
1 Added Argument Would you Rather #1
1 Added Argument Is collecting worms a nasty thing to do?
0 Added Argument People do not choose who they are attracted too.
1 Added Argument Any tips for a party?
3 Added Argument If marijuana is illegal then alcohol should be too
1 Added Argument If marijuana is illegal then alcohol should be too
2 Added Argument How did life begin in your opinion
2 Added Argument If one gets an STD from a cactus, should I potato my cow?
0 Added Argument Conception and birth are two different things.
0 Added Argument Conception and birth are two different things.
2 Added Argument What political party are you in
9 High Rated Argument Prove the Earth is not flat.
4 Added Argument Prove the Earth is not flat.
1 Added Argument Libertarian Survey
5 Created Debate Libertarian Survey
2 Added Argument Why was 9/11 an inside job?
2 Added Argument Tree of life + Tree of knowledge = Supreme Ruler? I.E. God?
5 Created Debate Does anybody ever bring you to extreme anger?
1 Added Argument Can being too nice lead to easy manipulation?
1 Added Argument Air Force vs Navy
5 Created Debate Is astronomy a good thing to major in?
1 Added Argument SA6 Are youths today more practical than before?
4 Created Debate Which party has had the best presidents?
5 Added Argument Who do you think could handle being a moderator on this site to help out Andy?
5 Created Debate Do you trust your government?
10 Added Argument Hy Ismailia I am a libertarian
1 Added Argument All private property truly belongs to the government.
2 Added Argument Have a lot of artists been phoning it in lately?
1 Added Argument Should we be using this site to deal with our personal issues?
1 Added Argument The best people on CreateDebate.
3 Added Argument My letter to Prodigee. Adults only.
2 Added Argument If humans are animals why do morons still think eating meat is okay?
-1 Downvoted Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - LizziexLaura
0 Added Argument Libertarians only: do you oppose all taxes?
1 Added Argument How would you want to die
2 Added Argument Is UFO hunting a dumb hobby?
2 Added Argument Is UFO hunting a dumb hobby?
5 Created Debate Is UFO hunting a dumb hobby?
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - LizziexLaura
1 Added Argument Name all the trolls you know on this site
4 Added Argument Are UFO stories ever true?
10 Added Argument Are UFO stories ever true?
3 Added Argument Are UFO stories ever true?
5 Created Debate Are UFO stories ever true?
1 Added Argument Was this seriously written out of genuine crazy belief, or just making it up as they go?
2 Added Argument I am not a Christian, I am a Messianic Jew by conversion!

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