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Vaan's Reward Points: 167

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate A proper debate for the existence of God
1 Added Argument Is the Problem of Evil a coherent argument against the existence of God(s)?
1 Added Argument Would there ever be enough evidence to refute religion?
1 Added Argument Tally: As many religious wars versus secular wars. Who killed more?
1 Added Argument Does the Boston Marathon Show Poor Defensive Strategy in America's Law Enforcement?
1 Added Argument Who do you think could handle being a moderator on this site to help out Andy?
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - LizziexLaura
0 Added Argument You do not have to be a Christian to be saved (please read).
1 Added Argument Get this over with...why do you believe/disbelieve in God?
1 Added Argument Feminism is still needed
1 Added Argument Idiot of the week?
1 Added Argument Create Debate Christian vs atheist Survey
1 Added Argument Machiavelli is the way to go
1 Added Argument should schools have uniforms
3 Added Argument The Bahá'í Faith
1 Added Argument The creation
1 Added Argument Should we kill of Christians?
0 Added Argument If everything is created by God, God is the Creator of both good and evil.
1 Added Argument A woman was told she could become anything she wanted. So she became a male-mod
0 Added Argument Men and women are equal.
0 Added Argument Men and women are equal.
1 Added Argument Men are losing their rights!!!!!!
9 Added Argument Pascal's Wager is far more applicable to Satanism than Christianity
4 Added Argument Pascal's Wager is far more applicable to Satanism than Christianity
1 Added Argument Using "gay" as a an insult is homophobic and disgusting.
1 Added Argument Your personality type (Jung and Myers-Briggs edition) and Prodigee's prediction.
-1 Downvoted Argument In battle who would win.
1 Added Argument Khorne, God of Blood vs Omnissiah, Machine God
9 Added Argument In battle who would win.
1 Added Argument President Obama
1 Added Argument Christians are part pagan. They should at least be honest about it.
1 Added Argument Is the Judeo-Christian version of a god a moral being?
1 Added Argument Either the Old Testament applies or it does not. You cannot have it both ways.
1 Added Argument Ban automatic guns? tighten gun laws?
1 Added Argument High school students should wear uniforms?
5 Added Argument Ban automatic guns? tighten gun laws?
1 Added Argument Is Christianity a healthy thing to believe in?
1 Added Argument Marriage is about love, not biological sex.
1 Added Argument Is my god good or evil
1 Added Argument Would listening to a metal band like Disturbed make you a bad person in the eyes of God?
1 Added Argument Gun Regulations, More needed or Less/Same is working fine.
1 Added Argument Is There a God?
1 Added Argument Does the world need nuclear energy?
1 Added Argument Pro life vs Pro choice
1 Added Argument Transgenders and transsexuals...
1 Added Argument Get this over with...why do you believe/disbelieve in God?
2 Added Argument Has Christianity really "borrowed" most of it's beliefs from other ancient religions?
5 Created Debate Modern day feminism: helpful or counterproductive to western society?
1 Added Argument The God Debate: Does he exist?
7 Added Argument Should marriage be a legal union between just a man and a woman?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should marriage be a legal union between just a man and a woman?
1 Added Argument Is "The Problem of Evil" a valid argument against the existence of God?
4 Added Argument What would make you change your mind?
5 Added Argument Why do you believe in God?
1 Added Argument Do atheists idolise evolution too much?
3 Added Argument William Lane Craig vs. Richard Dawkins
1 Added Argument Live for 200 years as a cripple VS 20 years super fit
1 Added Argument Does God hate fags?
10 Added Argument Did God Create The Universe??
7 Added Argument William Lane Craig vs. Richard Dawkins
4 Added Argument Is homosexuality good for society?

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