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Warjin's Reward Points: 1577

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate What should I do?
1 Added Argument What a shock, the Democrat party supports forcing businesses to pay $15 minimum wage!
4 Added Argument Would you consider this prostitution?
5 Created Debate Would you consider this prostitution?
1 Added Argument It's amazing how low Liberal's will stoop to twist the truth of Conservative thought.
1 Added Argument Do you believe in UFOs?
1 Added Argument Trump is going to fake an assassination attempt on his own life (calling it now)
1 Added Argument Trump is going to fake an assassination attempt on his own life (calling it now)
5 Created Debate Trump is going to fake an assassination attempt on his own life (calling it now)
1 Added Argument To Liberal's who pretend they don't see the PC attacks on our freedoms to dissagree.
0 Added Argument U.S. Supreme Court Rules Gay Marriage To Be Law Nationwide- Agree?
1 Added Argument I wonder when Liberal Democrats start forcing tax payers to pay for sex change operations?
1 Added Argument Should school uniform be abolished??
1 Added Argument We should all have guns!!!
1 Created Debate Vaping vs Cigs!
2 Added Argument Is God real?
1 Added Argument Ivy Ziedrich stuns Jeb Bush-'Your Bro created ISIS'
1 Added Argument Would you date someone who had a completely different religious belief than yours?
1 Added Argument Pokemon is against God
1 Added Argument why do so many atheists believe in aliens but not God?
1 Added Argument Why do conservatives act so butthurt when you call them on their bigotry?
1 Added Argument Hillary and Dem's want to buy more votes with free college while our debt is 18 TRILLION!
1 Added Argument The Left loves talking about so called settled science of Global warming and the 97% claim
1 Added Argument A former racist speaks out.

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