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CreateDebate Feature Requests

LittleMisfit's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LittleMisfit's arguments, looking across every debate.

In addition to that, add a way to filter out ones that are below a certain threshold. Each person should be able to set that threshold to whatever they want.

I actually meant it to be the last time you viewed a debate, not just the last time you posted in a debate.

BTW, it's Little Misfit, not Little Miss Fit. I'm a Mr. not a miss :)

When we get a new message from someone, don't put the inner monologue input textbox on that screen. I always end up posting messages as inner monologues when I think I'm replying to someones message because the input box is right above their message.

Add labels to debates indicating how serious they are. For example, abortion would be labeled a "Serious" debate. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood would be labeled "Not Serious". Then add a way to filter the debate list by those labels.

Add a way to ban certain users from ALL of my debates, so I don't have to do it for each debate. This would make it easier to handle trolls, because everyone can just permanently ban the trolls from all their debates.

Add the ability to upvote/downvote a debate topic, and have a way to filter out ones that are below a certain threshold that can be defined by each user.

Add a message forum for the chit-chat and drama.

Highlight arguments that have been added since the last time we visited a debate.

Lizzie is a total sweetheart. She is by far the nicest person on this site and is a great debater too.

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]